2025 ICCA Coaches Conference Information Coming Soon!

2025 ICCA Spring Coaches Conference Read More


Each year, ICCA honors cheerleaders, coaches, and supporters with special recognition. Senior cheerleaders can apply for scholarships and the opportunity to be on the All-State Cheerleading Squad. Coaches can nominate seniors on their squad to be honored as a scholar athlete because of their academic achievements.

Entry DEADLINES are listed below:

  • ICCA members can nominate a coach for the Coach of the Year award, which is awarded in March at the Coaches’ Conference. Deadline is January 15, 2025. 
  • The ICCA Hall of Fame Award is given to individuals who have been loyal to ICCA for many years as a coach or as an official. Award will be given on ODD numbered years.
  • The Friends of ICCA Award is given to an individual who has been a loyal supporter of the ICCA for many years. Award will be given on ODD numbered years. 
  • The ICCA Outstanding Service Award is given to an individual who, while serving as a board member, has gone over and above in their dedication to the ICCA organization.